The hypocrisy, lies and deceptions of the Bush administration, republicans, and the religious right.

Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

I'm a bus driver by day, and a musician on the weekends. I play and sing in a couple of local rock bands in my town. I've gotten so fed up with right wing republicans, and the way they pander to the Christian zealots that I had to have a way to vent. The county where I work is notoriously red, so I needed an outlet since it's not wise to rock the boat too much on the job, and most of them are idiots anyway..That's why I started this blog.

Friday, September 21, 2007


"It was a sorry deal", Bush mumbled at the end of the press conference. He was finishing up his tirade about the MoveOn.org ad that has the Republican panties in a knot. In the neocon minds of W and his cronies, the insult to Petraus, (calling him Betray Us) is somehow the fault of the Dems. And, never one to miss an opportunity to further divide the nation, the self proclaimed 'Uniter' used his bully pulpit to lash out at the Dems, instead of answering legitimate questions being asked by the real (meaning not Fox News) journalists.
For this president, and his current crop of scheming, manipulative, hypocritical yes men to pick this particular molehill to make a mountain out of, just shows how little regard they have for the intelligence of the electorate. Bush owes his entire 2 terms in office to his willingness to insult and belittle our war heroes. First, he did it to John McCain. when he was campaigning against him in the primaries for the 2000 election. Then, again in 2004 when he, (and make no mistake about it, it came from Bush and Rove) accused Max Cleland, who lost 3 limbs in Vietnam of being a 'cut and run coward', when he spoke out against the Bush/Cheney war. John Kerry, who in reality is a war hero, with 3 Purple Hearts and a Silver Medal Of Honor, for saving lives, was turned into a liar, and mocked because, presumably, he wasn't injured enough. I will never forgive the Bushies for the spectacle they made at the 2004 Republican Convention, wearing little purple band-aids with hearts on them, on their smug, shameless faces. And now, because a left wing group prints something they don't like in the New York Times, they have the audacity to malign the entire Democratic party for allegedly insulting our military heroes? That, my friends, is truly a sorry deal.


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