The hypocrisy, lies and deceptions of the Bush administration, republicans, and the religious right.

Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

I'm a bus driver by day, and a musician on the weekends. I play and sing in a couple of local rock bands in my town. I've gotten so fed up with right wing republicans, and the way they pander to the Christian zealots that I had to have a way to vent. The county where I work is notoriously red, so I needed an outlet since it's not wise to rock the boat too much on the job, and most of them are idiots anyway..That's why I started this blog.

Saturday, May 19, 2007


I'm noticing a trend among people who vote republican. Whenever I get into a conversation of voting republican vs. democrat, it seems that the first thing they say, goes something like, "Well, if a democrat gets elected, just watch your taxes go up"... People who are otherwise intelligent, perfectly nice people, keep repeating this like a mantra. It just goes to show how pervasive these propaganda like talking points of the republican party are. Never mind the slaughter of our young people in a useless war brought on by a republican administration, not willing to give an inch to try to end it. Doesn't bother them that the current republican administration won't even admit that there is a global warming problem, and in fact has manipulated scientific research to try to deny it, while the glaciers are melting, the bees are dying and the planet is running a fever. Not concerned that our president has run roughshod over the Constitution, ignoring the parts he doesn't agree with. It all comes down to the almighty dollar. Not that I'm against keeping my money for myself, but I don't think taxes are the evil plague that republicans do. What kind of a place would this be if we didn't pay taxes? I'm willing to pay my fair share, why aren't republicans? It is, after all, a republican administration that has turned our surplus into a deficit in the trillions, but it's always the republicans who whine the loudest about actually having to pay it. Don't we all have to pay our bills eventually? Why does it seem that the party of 'moral values' is always trying to weasel out of this sad fact? Besides, if you believe that this president is concerned with the middle class taxpayer, then you're probably in that small minority that still believes that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction. It just isn't the case. The lions share of his tax cuts went to the richest 2 percent in the country. So, I can see why Paris Hilton might vote republican, but I'm always amazed at middle class working Joes who just keep regurgitating the lies they've been fed.


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