The hypocrisy, lies and deceptions of the Bush administration, republicans, and the religious right.

Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

I'm a bus driver by day, and a musician on the weekends. I play and sing in a couple of local rock bands in my town. I've gotten so fed up with right wing republicans, and the way they pander to the Christian zealots that I had to have a way to vent. The county where I work is notoriously red, so I needed an outlet since it's not wise to rock the boat too much on the job, and most of them are idiots anyway..That's why I started this blog.

Friday, May 11, 2007


Okay, how ridiculous is it for Bush, and other do nothing republicans to keep accusing the dems of 'playing politics' with the war in Iraq. First of all, why is it that whenever the dems challenge the administration on anything, it's portrayed as 'playing politics'? Isn't politics their job? They are POLITICIANS after all. Accusing them of playing politics is like accusing a doctor of playing medicine. It's just another example of the republican penchant for throwing around meaningless, stupid phrases when they have nothing of substance to offer. You wanna talk playing politics? The republicans are falling all over themselves telling the press how they confronted Bush about his failings in Iraq, but over and over, the main point they made was how they were losing support in their home districts, and with the election coming, they're under the gun to break ranks with the Bush plan, or risk losing to democrats. It all comes down to votes for them, while paying lip service to supporting our troops. The only thing they're interested in saving are their political hides. In the meantime, Bush vows to veto the second bill the Congress sends him, with no compromise, while blaming the dems for holding up funding for the troops. The troops would be better off if King George would play a little politics, instead of always playing dictator.


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