The hypocrisy, lies and deceptions of the Bush administration, republicans, and the religious right.

Location: Dayton, Ohio, United States

I'm a bus driver by day, and a musician on the weekends. I play and sing in a couple of local rock bands in my town. I've gotten so fed up with right wing republicans, and the way they pander to the Christian zealots that I had to have a way to vent. The county where I work is notoriously red, so I needed an outlet since it's not wise to rock the boat too much on the job, and most of them are idiots anyway..That's why I started this blog.

Sunday, May 06, 2007


So, let me get this straight. Nancy Pelosi goes to Syria and has a productive dialog with their leaders, reiterating the Bush position, and she is vilified by the right wing as a traitor. Some were even suggesting that she be charged with a crime. What a coincidence though, that since her visit, about a month ago, the incidents of insurgents crossing over into Iraq has dropped significantly. So much so, that now Condoleeza Rice has been sent to hold talks with President Bashar al-Assad and his ambassadors, and there is a possibility of real progress being made. Even though the totally bipartisan Iraq Study Group recommended that the U.S. start talking to Syria, and Iran about what role they could play in stabilizing the Middle East, the Bush administration stubbornly refused to even discuss it. Instead they just kept pursuing their 'stay the course' policy, and while they fiddled, Iraq burned. Doesn't this tell you that when it comes to foreign policy our president and his advisers are flying by the seat of their pants? And it's frightening to think that our leaders are so hard headed that they just dismissed the Baker-Hamilton report, out of hand, because they might have had to admit that mistakes were made in the planning, ( I use that term loosely), and prosecution of this war. So it takes Nancy Pelosi, and moderate republican Dave Hobson, to jump in and try to end the stalemate. Of course, Condi will be hailed as a hero if progress is made here, while Nancy was being called treasonous, and it's just this attitude that is responsible for the fact that this nation has not been able to accomplish much of anything since the scorch and burn republicans first came into power during Bill Clintons term. They are so busy trying to march in lockstep with each other, that common sense has been thrown by the wayside. There is no compromising. You're either with them, or against them. Do you ever wonder where we might be now, if Bush had actually listened to different opinions, of which there were many, instead of just listening to the neocons he's surrounded himself with? What if he'd actually read the reams of info Bill Clinton left him with, like how Al Qaeda and bin Laden were one of the biggest threats facing our national security? I wonder if things might have turned out differently. But we all know Bush doesn't much like reading, so I'm sure he never even saw that little tidbit. What a shame.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe she may have violated the Logan Act by going to Syria.


May 13, 2007 at 11:44 AM  
Blogger Toni said...

Actually, Nancy Pelosi is not just any citizen, I believe her lawyer would argue that she's third in line to the presidency, and in fact, she was supporting the Bush policy. Hardly treason. If you wanna talk treason, how about right wing hero Tom DeLays treasonous comments during Clintons bombing of Kosovo. Everything Reid and Pelosi are doing and saying now, he said, and then some. He accused the White House of 'bombing their way around the world',and accused the U.S. of 'resembling a power hungry imperialist army'. What's more, he urged the government of Kosovo to bypass the president, and to negotiate directly with the Congress instead! All of this while we had troops in harms way. That's what I loathe about these far right republican nutjobs, they are just so hypocritical! Most people can see through their hystrionics now though, except maybe the 29 percent of people who still worship at the altar of the Reverend Bush.

May 13, 2007 at 3:00 PM  

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